Simplified export declarations
Following the end of the Brexit transition period, businesses need to make customs declarations when exporting goods to the EU as well as to the rest of the world. Businesses can make customs declarations themselves or hire a third party such as a courier, freight forwarder or customs agent.
Businesses can use simplified export declarations to help export most goods. The use of simplified export declarations allows businesses to export goods out of the UK by providing basic details to HMRC. This is usually done electronically. Once the goods for export are cleared, they can then be exported without needing to present any supporting documents.
To use simplified declarations for exports, authorisation is required from HMRC. If you are thinking of applying you need to:
- have a good customs compliance record, including VAT returns and duty deferments
- have a regular pattern of customs declarations against their Economic Operator Registration Identification (EORI) number
- show how they will record all declarations for no less than four years after their submission date
- have access to the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system. The Customs Declaration Service will eventually replace CHIEF.
Businesses are still required to complete a more detailed customs declaration known as a supplementary declaration, but this can be done at a later point in time.